The panels at times single, otherwise combined with each other both vertically
and horizontally, represent the centrepiece of a seamless formal project. They
are connected with each other according to their possibility of ensuring each
one a systematic link with all the others, through references of lines or of colour,
spread over large areas and then thickened into filiform segments which are
condensed to form the outline of the wave or the flat boundary of the horizon.
There are no backgrounds. Indeed all the elements grow until they form a tex-
ture of autonomous and distinct signs, yet always correlated with each other
through the identification of forceful fluid lines which break up and rejoin in
the distance.
The surface of the panel is the space which allows the image to float on the vast
areas of azure tones that fade in the strip of bleached sand, barely emerging
from the surface of the sea, or to rise and fall just above the water line or to
surf between the curved crest of the wave which arches, breaks up and final-
ly dissipates. The clear pigmentation of the colours, capable of suggesting an
underwater space, thickens around filiform vectors that are variously orche-
strated on shades of magentas, greens and violets. Algae, wrecks and fish: a list
of uninfluential descriptive support for figurative elements that do not aim for
narrative outlets, but which act by emotional synthesis. Functional statements
are revealed in the genesis of the forms through ribbing in which the colour
thickens and changes consistency, solidifying in the enamels and intensifying
in the tones. That same material and tonal acceleration supports a pointillisme
which breaks up the dense and cohesive pictorial fabric, in preparation for the
spreading of small, distinct points of colour.
trittico, pannello 40 x 40 cm